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Wellbeing Experiences - Retreats, Classes, and Trainings offered by Teresa L. Penbrooke, PhD, CPRE, CMS, RYT-200

Need some wellbeing, nutritional, yoga, mindful meditation, or physical training education or support for living life at your fullest?  Whether you are traveling/touring, working hard, or managing a household, you can book some time for yourself to learn more  and focus on how to re-create your body, mind, an spirit on a daily basis. 


Address  now how to deal with bad habits or negative coping mechanisms you may have developed throughout your life - such as poor eating, not moving as much as you should, too much alcohol or other drugs, lack of good stress management, overwork or other addictions. You can't create and function well if you don't "put your own mask on first"!


Dr. Teresa L. Penbrooke has a BS in Kinesiology,  a Masters degree in Organizational Management, and a PhD in social science,  with a focus on integration of individual, community, and public parks, recreation, nature, and tourism as preventive public health. She is also a certified Change Management Specialist (CMS) and a certified yoga teacher (RYT-2000, and regularly integrates others practices such as Pilates, tarot, Reiki, eastern, and western medicine, and evidence-based science into custom approaches.


Professionally outside of these services, Teresa is the Executive Director of the ActivEnviro Healthy Communities Research Group (, and she works part-time consulting on community quality of life planning for BerryDunn (  She has taught a variety of fitness, wellness, yoga, and nutritional concepts over the years in private, class, university, association, and community settings. She is also a musician/singer/songwriter, as featured on other Herons Haunt pages.


Teresa offers individual personalized sessions in yoga, meditation, nature immersion, and wellbeing management, along with scheduled group classes and special retreats.  She teaches at conferences and universities around the world on topics related to preventive health, nutrition, physical activity,  the benefits of nature immersion, healthy aging, and community planning.  See the Shows and Events page for her upcoming public offerings, see the ActivEnviro website for more professional  education and trainings, or email her directly at  for bookings, training, and speaking engagements. 

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Book a Consultation or Conversation

Dr. Penbrooke can be scheduled for individual and customized program support, classes, trainings, speaking events.  Contact Teresa to schedule!



First 30 minute Zoom conversation - Free - What do you need?

Single Hourly - $150/hour

Package - Four hours scheduled  - $300

Daily rate - $1000 per day + expenses

More than 10 hours - contact for a reduced package.

See the Shows page for publicly offered events/experiences. 

All rates are for virtual contacts. In person experiences will need travel expenses and time added.  Zoom links, support materials, and other extras included. 


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